This page shows businesses on Kennedy Way. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.
Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) is a network of independent charities which offer free, independent advice on rights and responsibilities, such as money, legal and consumer matters.
Address: Kennedy Way, Yate, Bristol, Avon, BS37 4DQ
Dr A Appleton provides general health care to patients in the local area.
Address: Courtside Surgery, Kennedy Way, Yate, Bristol, Avon, BS37 4DQ
Dr B Tomlinson is a doctor offering a range of medical advice.
Address: Courtside Surgery, Kennedy Way, Yate, Bristol, Avon, BS37 4DQ
Dr C P C Paxton is a doctor providing advice and prescriptions for a range of conditions.
Address: Courtside Surgery, Kennedy Way, Yate, Bristol, Avon, BS37 4DQ
Dr D Cape-Horn is a general practitioner who offers medical advice and help to patients.
Address: Kennedy Way Surgery, Kennedy Way, Yate, Bristol, Avon, BS37 4AA
Dr Duncan S Goodland is a general practitioner who provides a range of medical advice to patients.
Address: Kennedy Way Surgery, Kennedy Way, Yate, Bristol, Avon, BS37 4AA
Dr Graham R Ward is a general practitioner offering advice for numerous medical conditions and complaints.
Address: Kennedy Way, Yate, Bristol, Avon, BS37 4AA
Dr J Byrne is a doctor who gives advice on numerous medical complaints.
Address: Courtside Surgery, Kennedy Way, Yate, Bristol, Avon, BS37 4DQ
Dr J H Entrican is a doctor who offers medical advice to patients with various conditions.
Address: Courtside Surgery, Kennedy Way, Yate, Bristol, Avon, BS37 4DQ
Dr J Turner is a doctor giving general medical advice to a variety of patients.
Address: Courtside Surgery, Kennedy Way, Yate, Bristol, Avon, BS37 4DQ
Dr Jane R Savage is a general practitioner offering a variety of medical services to local patients.
Address: Kennedy Way Surgery, Kennedy Way, Yate, Bristol, Avon, BS37 4AA
Dr Louise A Powell is a general practitioner who provides a range of medical services to people in the area.
Address: Kennedy Way Surgery, Kennedy Way, Yate, Bristol, Avon, BS37 4AA
Dr R Baldwin is a doctor offering advice and prescriptions for various medical conditions and complaints.
Address: Courtside Surgery, Kennedy Way, Yate, Bristol, Avon, BS37 4DQ
Dr R Bayly is a doctor offering a range of medical services to people in the area.
Address: Courtside Surgery, Kennedy Way, Yate, Bristol, Avon, BS37 4DQ
Dr Richard J Sherriff is a general practitioner providing health care advice to a range of patients.
Address: Kennedy Way Surgery, Kennedy Way, Yate, Bristol, Avon, BS37 4AA
Kennedy Way Surgery is a general practitioner who offers a range of health care advice to patients.
Address: Kennedy Way, Yate, Bristol, Avon, BS37 4AA
North Avon Magistrates Court is a court where various legal cases are heard and administration of justice is carried out.
Address: Kennedy Way, Yate, Bristol, Avon, BS37 4PY
Slimming World is a slimming organisation which helps people lose weight and offers diet and nutritional advice.
Address: Kennedy Way, Yate, Bristol, Avon, BS37 4DQ
Sports & Leisure Foods Ltd is a catering company providing food and catering equipment for a variety of occasions.
Address: Kennedy Way, Yate, Bristol, Avon, BS37 4DQ
Yate Leisure Centre is a fitness centre where customers can enjoy a wide range of exercise and leisure activities.
Address: Kennedy Way, Yate, Bristol, Avon, BS37 4DQ
Find out what people are saying about places on Kennedy Way.
Despite my partner having a history of melanoma and breast cancer when she visited in 2023 with a lump on her head she was told by one of the doctors it was a... More »
Map showing Kennedy Way in Bristol.